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STD Testing and Treatment

STD Testing and Treatment
Common STD symptoms include discharge with a strong vaginal odor, itching or irritation, 

pain during sexual intercourse,

and painful urination. If you are experiencing STD signs, changed partners, are pregnant or considering abortion, make an appointment for free testing today. We test for chlamydia and gonorrhea, the two most common STIs. 

Parenting Program

Curriculum is available in our center to cover any of the stages of early parenting a client may be in, and each client receives education on an individual basis.


Clients earn points while being enrolled and can spend those points on our material resources.

Post Abortion

Have you had an abortion? Are you struggling to understand your emotions after the procedure?


Please contact us for more information about how we can help you work through this decision.

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Pregnancy Testing and Ultrasound Confirmation

If you need to verify a possible pregnancy or how far along you are, start with a free onsite tes. Considering abortion? Sonya's law requires that a woman seeking an abortion must be offered an ultrasound before the abortion is performed. 

We offer free ultrasound confirmation until 16 weeks gestation to verify viability and date your pregnancy.

Sexual Health Education

Are you ready to make a change in your life? Do you want to start over? Do you need some help staying strong in your decision? 
The Pregnancy Help Center offers information and counseling on choosing abstinence. Schedule an appointment with one of our counselors to talk about the choice for abstinence. 

For Men

So you think she's pregnant? Generally, pregnancy is thought of as a "woman's issue." Here at the Pregnancy Help Center we believe in the importance of a father in a child's life. PHC is here to offer you support and education as you help your partner make decisions regarding this pregnancy that affects both of you. Schedule an appointment to meet with one of our counselors to talk about your role as a father.

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Options Counseling

An unintended or difficult pregnancy can pose many challenges for you and those closest to you. PHC has many trained peer counselors who would love to speak to you about your options in a clear and thoughtful manner. You will receive education on parenting, abortion and adoption to help you reach a positive decision with clarity and strength. 

Community Referrals

Are you in need of housing? Medical insurance? If you have a need, PHC may be able to use their network of community referrals to set you up with the appropriate organization to receive the help you need. 

Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound

Have you had an ultrasound yet? Sonya's law requires that a woman seeking an abortion must be offered an ultrasound before the abortion is performed. 

We offer limited ultrasounds until 16 weeks gestation to verify pregnancy and check viability.

Material Services

Pregnancy Help Center provides its clients with cribs, baby clothing, maternity clothing, high chairs, car seats and much more. Our clients earn these items through our SmartParents program.

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